6 Eco-Friendly Printing Practices Your Company Can Adopt For Sustainability

Having a good device is a great asset for your business. It can make a lot of your printing go faster and smoother. But having a good printer should also have good sustainability and be eco-friendly. Not only have you helped your business improve, but you also helped the environment.

If you are looking for some tips on having sustainable printing and being eco-friendly, continue reading ahead. Some tips were written to help individuals having a hard time finding the right way to have sustainable and eco-friendly printing in their company.

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Back to Back Printing

You can print on both sides of the paper to reduce wasted paper. This would help in cutting the cost of printing supplies. Nowadays, some devices automatically print on both sides of the paper. This way, you won’t even have to lift a finger.

Using Recycled Paper

Some companies are selling 100% recycled paper. Using this kind of paper in printing your documents can help your company be sustainable and eco-friendly.

Double Check Before Printing

One of the helpful tips on saving resources in printing is to make sure that you need to print that page. If you are unsure, you can always ask your superior which documents are needed to be printed, so you don’t have to keep thinking for a long time. You can also ask yourself if it is necessary or helpful if the document is printed.

Ethical Printer

It would always be great to have an eco-friendly printer due to its good long-term features. This kind of printer has power-saving and automatic duplex printing, a very sustainable printer feature. There are a lot of choices that you can pick from. You just have to make sure that they are suitable for your business or your company.

Use Inks and Toners That Are Eco-Friendly

You can also use refills for your ink cartridges when running low or empty. This can help reduce waste and be an environment-friendly practice for you and your business.

Correct Waste Disposal

If you can recycle some of your waste, then it would be a good practice. You can make a pile of used papers and make it as scratch papers. You would not waste any paper and help in saving money for printing supplies. As for the printing device, you can sell it at the second-hand market.

If you plan to change your printer into a new one or something that you have been eyeing for some time now, selling it as a second-hand device is a good option. This way, you can remove any unused device that is still good to be used. You already got extra cash, and you also helped someone find the printer they wanted at a lower price.

The things written above are just a few of the tips that you can use to have sustainable and eco-friendly printing practices that your company or your business can use and follow. Not only can your company be efficient, but they can also help you and your staff have a good practice that they can use in their daily and everyday lives. If you want to have better waste disposal management, you can always ask the experts in these kinds of situations in your area. They can give you more in-depth information and more options on how you can go about it in your personal and business area. They can also give you more solutions on what kind of waste management flow will be efficient for your business.


A positive feature of any device that can help reduce pollution in the environment.